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Bacterial loads on eggshells of the Pied Flycatcher:environmental and maternal factors

The Condor publish this investigation article

February 1st, 2011

We studied environmental and maternal factors explaining bacterial loads on eggshells in a population of a hole-nesting passerine, the Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) and the possible effects of bacteria on hatching success. We collected bacteria from eggshells at early and late stages of incubation and from females’ feces, as a surrogate for cloacal samples, at intermediate stages of incubation. Higher environmental temperatures during laying promoted bacterial loads on the eggshells during early incubation, supporting the fact that bacterial growth is generally favored by increasing ambient temperature. Bacterial loads on the eggshells at late stages of
incubation were correlated positively with bacterial loads in the female’s cloaca, suggesting possible vertical transmission of bacteria. We detected no significant differences between bacterial loads of the eggshells at early and late stages of incubation. Possible bacteriostatic effects of incubation and/or other alternative mechanisms not associated with incubation may be responsible for this pattern. Bacterial loads seemed not to affect hatching success, raising the question whether bacterial species composition rather than bacterial load affects embryo survival

Ruiz de Castañeda R., Vela AI., Lobato E., Briones V. and Moreno J.

See this article
Bacterial loads on eggshells of the Pied Flycatcher:environmental and maternal factors


Universidad ComplutenseServicio de Identificación y Caracterización Microbiana (ICM). Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Universidad ComplutenseDepartamento de Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasDepartamento de Ecología Evolutiva. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

The Condor
1.118 2011

NLMID: 206433

ISSN: 0010-5422

TITLE: Bacterial loads on eggshells of the Pied Flycatcher:environmental and maternal factors


NUMERACIÓN: 113(1):200-208

AÑO: 2011

PUBLISHER: Cooper Ornithological Society

AUTHORS: Ruiz de Castañeda R., Vela AI., Lobato E., Briones V. and Moreno J.

Ana Isabel Vela Alonso
Víctor Briones Dieste

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/cond.2011.100035


Ruiz de Castañeda R., Vela AI., Lobato E., Briones V. and Moreno J. Bacterial loads on eggshells of the Pied Flycatcher:environmental and maternal factors. The Condor. 113(1):200-208. 2011. (A). ISSN: 0010-5422. DOI: 10.1525/cond.2011.100035